On 2 November 2013, 8th Avenue Branch embarked on a Corporate Social Responsibility tour to Nyamandlovu District Hospital. Mr A.Z. Gweshe, the CBZ Bank, Regional Manager led the team for this worthwhile cause.
Nyamandlovu District Hospital is located about 50km west of Bulawayo. This is the main hospital in Umguza District and is under the leadership of Mrs B. Sibanda who is the District Nursing Officer.
The hospital offers all the services expected in a district hospital, although under dilapidated infrastructure and inadequate resources. The main hospital building is currently undergoing some renovations. Patients at the hospital are expected to bring their own bed linen as the hospital is not able to offer any. In light of this, CBZ Bank 8th
Avenue branch donated the following:
- 30 blankets
- 30 pairs of single bed sheets
- 5 black plastic bins
- 7 mops
- 15 x 1.5lt Jik
- 20lt pine toilet sanitizer
- 20lt white floor polish
- 36 x 750ml methylated spirit
- 6 padlocks & 3m chain for the bins
- 11 pairs of heavy duty gloves
- 2 x 5lt hand sanitizer
The event was also graced by the following dignitaries from the community who included, Chief Deli, Mr. Moyo, The Headman and 6 community leaders.