CBZ Holdings in partnership with Empowered Life Trust launched the 4th edition of YEP in Harare. Youth Entrepreneurs Program is a practical and results-based initiative that produces growth-oriented (not survivalist) profitable businesses that are run professionally by youth from all 10 Provinces in Zimbabwe. YEP is nurturing a new generation of growth oriented business persons. The program seeks to economically empower youths in Zimbabwe including those in the rural areas.

Over 3000 young people has been trained through the YEP program since 2016. In 2018 over 1 000 young people nationwide received extensive training, 20 of these young people received seed money for their businesses. 10 finalists were chosen to receive prize money. In the start-up business category, the winner, Sympathy Sibanda (founder of Amandla Brands) walked away with the top prize of RTGS$12,000, first runner-up Marvelous Nyongoro (Founder of the Housing Hub) and Farai Musendo (founder of Farai-Pyro a recycling company which produce diesel from plastics) got RTGS$7,000 and RTGS$5,000 respectively. Pardon Matavanda 2018’s winner under the established business category walked away with RTGS$10,000, followed by Tariro Tinago who won RTGS$5,000 and the 2nd runner up Ignatius Mateveke scooped RTGS$3,500.

The 2019 edition has been divided into two parts that is the Start-ups category (Businesses which are still at idea stage up to one year of operation) with the top prize of RTGS$12,000 and the Established Businesses (Maximum of three years in operation) with the top prize of RTGS$10,000. Youths aged 18 – 35years old are eligible to apply. All applicants will go through a 1 month free online course and business coaching with the success coach Jonah Mungoshi, 200 successful participants will be selected to attend a Northern Region Workshop in Harare and 200 will also be selected to attend a Southern Region Workshop in Bulawayo to receive further training and have an opportunity to network with other like-minded young entrepreneurs from other parts of the country. 20 successful participants will battle it out at the YEP BOOT Camp to be held at a local life adventure camp site where they will have an opportunity to pitch their businesses in front of a panel of judges. 10 best young entrepreneurs will receive exciting and incredible prizes on a colorful awards ceremony to be held early next year. Applications can be done through our extensive branch network as well as an online portal www.tinyurl.com/cbzyep2019

Applications are open from the 1st of August 2019 up to the 23th of August 2019. For more information regarding the YEP program and other entrepreneurship related questions call/app the YEP Call Centre number: 0782 489 653. Or click on the link below to watch the call for application in video format

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CBZ Holdings: Partners for success