CBZ Holdings Limited and its Subsidiaries take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an important and integral part of its business activities and incorporate the diverse components of CSR into the Group’s systems and processes that impact on our various stakeholders.
CBZ Holdings takes responsibility for the impact of its decisions and activities on society and the environment; through transparent and ethical behavior by endeavoring to embrace CSR approaches that are progressive and consistent with the ISO 26000:2010
In driving the Corporate Social Responsibility agenda, the Group’s CSR effort is guided by the seven key pillars of CSR namely: Organisational Governance, Human Rights, Labour Practices, Fair Operating Practices, Consumer Issues, The Environment and Community Involvement & Development (also referred to as Corporate Social Investment).
CBZH strives to adhere to the principles of community involvement and development by recognizing that its businesses are a part of the community and therefore due regard should be given for community members by partnering and supporting the communities through the exchange of experiences, resources and efforts.
The Group also values the communities we live in through contributing towards promoting higher levels of well-being in the community.CBZH believes that it is our shared responsibility to partner with society to promote the well-being of our employees, clients, schools, charitable organizations and the less privileged.
Our Corporate Social Investment focuses on the following areas:
- Educational Enhancement
- Improving Human Welfare
- Sporting Excellence
- National Development
- Health
- Arts
Sponsorships are a valuable part of CBZH’s corporate social responsibility and marketing communication strategies. We provide support in those areas that have an impact on national development.
We also use these occasions as forums for the public to interact with the CBZ brand, thus gaining insight into our identity as a company and what we represent. Our dedication to being a responsible and good corporate citizen goes beyond merely providing assistance.
Rather, we strive for greatness, to raise our flag high and develop the vast potential that is in Zimbabwe.