The Covid-19 pandemic is still upon us and lately the country has experienced a resurgence of new infections which have prompted the announcement of a 30-day national lockdown effective 5 January 2021.

CBZ Bank would like to its valued clients that your safety and well-being as well as that of our staff is our top priority,

We have taken the following measures to mitigate against the risk associated with Covid-19.

We encourage all our clients to make use of our Digital platforms which include:

  • CBZ Touch-our game changing integrated mobile app from CBZ Holdings where banking, insurance and wealth management converge and transform financial services into a lifestyle- CBZ Touch is also available through USSD code *230# if you don’t have a smartphone or have run out of data.
  • CBZ Internet Banking-our dynamic online banking facility that gives you unprecedented control over your finances (
  • Card based online Transactions-Clients can use their ATM card to swipe and pay online for local transactions, international payments can be made via our prepaid CBZ Visa Gold and Infinite Cards

For those that really need to make use of our banking halls, the following banking halls will be open


  • Avondale
  • Borrowdale
  • Kwame Nkrumah
  • R G Mugabe Money Transfer Centre
  • Selous Avenue
  • Private Banking
  • Southerton

Subsequently the following branches in Harare will be closed until further notice:

  • Samora Machel
  • Cripps Road
  • Highfield
  • Msasa
  • Sapphire House


Belmont Branch will be closed; clients can receive service at 8th Avenue or Fife Street Money Transfer Centre.


Gutu, Checheche, Gwanda, Nembudziya, Chegutu & Nyanga will also be closed.

The rest of the country branches will remain open.

Once gain we encourage our clients to make use of our Digital platforms and avoid unnecessary trips to our banking halls so we can join the nation in fighting upsurge in Covid-19 infections.

For more information, call us on our toll free lines 460 or 461 across all networks, send us a WhatsApp on 0774 460 460 & 0774 461 461, you can Log on to our website or email us on [email protected]. You can also visit our Facebook page CBZ Holdings or follow us on twitter @cbzholdings

CBZ BANK: PARTNERS FOR SUCCESS:  #StrengtheningPartnerships

CBZ Bank is a registered commercial bank and a member of the Deposit Protection Scheme