Delay in publication of Audited Financial Statements for year ended 31 December 2020
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of CBZ Holdings Limited (the “Company”) wishes to advise its shareholders that the Company was not able to publish its Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020 (the “Financial Statements”) on or before 30 April 2021.
The delay in preparation, and the resultant delay in publication, of the Financial Statements is due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has inadvertently prolonged the external audit review process and as such impacted on the publication timetable. In addition, internal processes and regulatory matters being attended to could not be finalised in time for 30 April 2021 publication.
The Board further wishes to advise shareholders that the Financial Statements will be published by no later that 22 May 2021. This is in line with the extension granted to the Company by the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.
By order of the Board
Rumbizayi Angeline Jakanani
Group Legal Corporate Secretary
5 Campbell Road
Harare Telephone: (263-242) 748 050 – 79
Email: [email protected]
30 April 2021
You can download the notice here: